This tangy recipe is more of a paste than a sauce, and has so many uses! It will keep in the fridge for a few days, but the best way of keeping it is to make ice cubes. This way you can defrost a small amount, perfect for many recipes.
south asian vegetarian
Potato & Pea Pilau
Recipe, rice, south asian vegetarian, VegetarianCommentSpicy Vegetable Soup
Recipe, south asian vegetarian, VegetarianCommentSouth Indian Green Banana Curry
Recipe, Vegetarian, south asian vegetarianCommentGreen bananas are just ordinary ones, but very unripe, very hard and with no sweetness. Think of them as vegetable rather than fruit, as they are high in fibre and low in sugar at this stage. In this simple curry they actually have a cooked texture rather like floury potatoes, and may well completely change your idea of what vegetables (or indeed fruit) work in a savoury dish!
Spicy Sweet Potato Fritters
Recipe, Vegetarian, south asian vegetarianCommentMadras curry with Mushroom & Peas
Recipe, Vegetarian, south asian vegetarianCommentMushroom Bhaji
Recipe, Vegetarian, south asian vegetarianCommentChaat potato omelette
Recipe, Vegetarian, other recipes, egg, south asian vegetarianCommentChaat Chickpeas
Barbecue, Recipe, Vegetarian, south asian vegetarianCommentAubergine & pea curry
Secret Sauce, Recipe, Vegetarian, south asian vegetarianCommentThis is a delicious and easy vegan curry using our Cochin blend, but with no coconut!